AIDS 2024: Alliance for Public Health presents advanced digital projects in the fight against HIV

AIDS 2024: Alliance for Public Health presents advanced digital projects in the fight against HIV

On July 23, at the AIDS 2024 International Conference, the Alliance for Public Health presented a session on “Effective IT solutions for HIV: HIV data recording, prevention, social counselling, offence monitoring and data protection”. The event focused on innovative projects aimed at improving healthcare services and combating the HIV epidemic among key populations. Presentations were made by: Maria Malakhova, TWIIN Project Coordinator, Alliance for Public Health, Oleksandr Maruniak, TWIIN IT Specialist, and Armen Aghajanov, Marketing and Communications Manager, GMH Project, implemented by Alliance for Public Health in partnership with Alliance Consultancy.

Before the session, the Alliance's stand was visited by Vira Brezhneva, UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, who had the opportunity to get acquainted with the organization's leading projects. She noted the vast potential of technology, which provides clear benefits for improving the quality of life of people living with HIV and other vulnerable populations by providing access to healthcare services, educational resources, psychological support, and social contacts regardless of geographic location or circumstances: “The introduction of such tools is critical in the healthcare sector, especially for people living with HIV, as they provide access to medical services on a smartphone or computer, reducing the time spent traveling to the doctor or waiting in line. Getting help regardless of location is an obvious comfort.”

During the event, the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with several advanced digital developments that can significantly improve the efficiency of medical services for people living with HIV. Particular attention was paid to such initiatives as Drugstore, an educational and prevention project aimed at developing safe behaviors at parties and in everyday life to reduce harm from substance use, stop the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, and preserve the physical and mental health of young people; TWIIN digital assistant based on artificial intelligence, which facilitates data collection and analysis, providing useful information for medical decision-making; Help24 TeleHelealth telemedicine platform, which provides patient-friendly remote medical care and demonstrated a DHIS2-based data collection, storage and analysis system that facilitates medical data management and its use to improve service delivery.


Maria Malakhova, TWIIN Project Coordinator, Alliance for Public Health: “Today at AIDS 2024 we are presenting a digital assistant - TWIIN, the idea of which emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. The war in Ukraine has exacerbated existing challenges, such as limited access to services and mobility, and increased the number of people needing access to reliable information on the topics covered by TWIIN. The idea behind TWIIN is to create an atmosphere of equal communication. We want our virtual assistants - currently four in number - to help people feel comfortable and openly discuss anything that concerns them. By the way, two of our current digital assistants were created based on real social workers who work on a peer-to-peer basis. Essentially, they are digital people you can talk to, available on the website and soon on the mobile app, who can be contacted with any question in writing or verbally. The name “TWIIN” suggests that the digital assistant understands you and your problems. Although it is currently focused on Ukraine, we plan to expand it to other countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia next year.”

Telemedicine technologies also offer great opportunities to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV. They provide regular medical follow-up without the need for frequent personal visits to the clinic, provide access to educational resources and consultations with medical specialists, and enable interaction with other patients and social support through online forums and chats. These key principles were emphasized during the presentation of Help24 TeleHelealth, a telemedicine platform, and online clinic based on the Help24 website that provides free online medical services to vulnerable groups in Ukraine.

“Telemedicine, like other innovative technologies, continues to expand its capabilities, providing more accessible, efficient and convenient medical care. Regardless of distances and circumstances, these technologies are becoming an integral part of the modern healthcare system, providing unique opportunities for patients and medical professionals,” - emphasized Armen Aghajanov, Marketing and Communications Specialist, GMH Project, Alliance Consultancy. “In particular, our platform offers virtual doctor consultations, remote referrals for laboratory tests, online prescription and monitoring of treatment, access to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections prevention, mental health counseling, as well as testing and counseling for infectious diseases. We urge you to join us in the fight against HIV with the help of innovative technologies, as the opportunities they provide are extremely broad and promising.”

He was also supported by Yulia Golub, Mental Health Coordinator, GMH project, implemented by the Alliance for Public Health in partnership with Alliance Consultancy: “Psychological support for vulnerable populations provided by Help24 TeleHelealth is not just an important resource, but a necessity, especially in times of war, mass stress and an increase in the number of mental disorders. And Help24 TeleHealth is ready to provide this assistance at the right time for the client, wherever he or she is. Thanks to the algorithm we have developed, which includes a step-by-step approach to the diagnosis and treatment of depression using the PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 screening questionnaires and the use of telemedicine technologies, we monitor a person's condition and provide appropriate assistance in a convenient format.”